The biggest untold story of the Trump Era is the role reversal of America’s two major parties.
We’re used to seeing Democrats as the “liberal” party, and Republicans as “conservative.” But based on the stands taken by Republicans under Trump, that’s no longer the case.
Today, Democrats are the conservatives on individual rights. Democrats are the conservatives on national defense. They’re the conservatives on conservation, and on the role of government in our lives. That’s what enabled the Cheneys to endorse VP Harris.
As it was a century ago, it’s populism that made the switch possible. Populism isn’t an ideology. It’s a cry for help. More to the point, it’s special pleading, a demand that the concerns of one group override all others.
American populism was based, and is based, on the Plains states and the South. It’s a religious populism, built by ultra-orthodox religious groupings that were born in this country. The difference between the Bryan era and the Trump era lies in technology, in money, and in the willingness of the Supreme Court to rewrite the rulebook of church and state.
Populism is what caused the two parties to switch sides a century ago. Democrats rejected the KKK at their 1924 convention, nominating a nobody named John W. Davis after 103 ballots. Then, in 1928, came an honest to goodness Roman Catholic in Al Smith. These were steps, along with the Great Depression, allowing Franklin Roosevelt to run as a “progressive,” and eventually embrace what we now call liberalism.
It is this liberalism that today’s Populists have sworn to destroy, that and all the history that followed.
The Mortal Storm
Citizens United allowed churches to become political clubhouses. Their wealth is the biggest thumb on the scale of the coming election. The political stance taken by these churches is no different from those elsewhere. Obedience. Control. A Christian Iran, or better yet an Afghanistan. These are the true heirs of Osama bin Laden.
Contrast that with the “normie” stands of the Democrats. We acknowledge science, and climate change. We are capitalists. We’re for individual liberty. We’re for supporting Ukraine and our other allies. You can argue about that on the margins. How far will we walk with Israel, for example? But Democratic Party stands are not transactional. They’re firm.
The Category 5 hurricane that democracy is facing now took two generations to create. As I wrote over a month ago, it was born in the shards of the Nixon impeachment, and has already succeeded in overturning the Nixon precedent, that no one stands above the law. The union between the “Moral Majority” and the Federalist Society is complete, and everyone else following in its wake – including Donald Trump and Elon Musk – is just there for their personal interest.
I sincerely believe democracy will win. The non-religious among the Republicans, those who were in it over military and regulatory issues, are starting to walk away, as they see what’s really in store for them. I hope, and believe, this will become a rush over the next month.
But even if we survive, our democratic system will look like Asheville after Helene, or Tampa after Milton. The Trump Party will still be alive. Its Torquemada wing will remain vibrant.
Our legal structure will have to be rebuilt. Our Constitution may have to be amended. That task will remain long after November 5 has passed into history.
Dana, thanks so much for a terrifically thoughtful piece (or maybe a thoughtfully terrific one, I'm not sure). 🤔
There is much truly original thinking that adjusted and extended my own model of what's going on, so thanks very much (again, I know) for that.
A minor bit to pick at...
"They’re the conservatives on conservation, and on the role of government in our lives. That’s what enabled the Cheneys to endorse VP Harris."
It might have made it a little easier for them to swallow, but as Ms Chaney said, theirs was not a choice based on policy. When the threat is existential, people who recognize and truly believe the danger they face, would vote for a ham sandwich over Trump/Vance.
Allow me to pick at this, also...
"The union between the “Moral Majority” and the Federalist Society is complete, and everyone else following in its wake – including Donald Trump and Elon Musk – is just there for their personal interest."
I believe that those two are more than that. They are the natural outcome ("natural selection," if you will), the Inevitable culmination of the process that you outlined, Trump as the severe personality disorder required to become a dictator. But what about Musk and the few other billionaires who support him?
They are simply too brilliant not to be able to see this for what it is. I have no other way to explain their support except to refer back to 1930s Germany. They want to be the next "oligarch class" in a dictatorship that will follow should Trump win. I guess Putin's (ex)termination of a fledgling democracy would have served just as well, perhaps even better given Trump's adulation of the man.
Frankly, it's hard to say that, because it implies that Musk (and other billionaire supporters) are amoral [fill in noun of your choice]. However, I have no better explanation and history has shown that it is certainly possible.
One more point of contention and please don't get me wrong. I mean, I started this by saying how good your article was, and then I list three friction points 😂
It's the closing…
"I hope, and believe, this will become a [Republican] rush over the next month.
"But even if we survive... "
... you contend that we would still face a bleak future. Here is why I believe that there is a decent probability of a "happy ending"...
If the Republicans do indeed become a "rush," it would suggest to *all* that something strong and good is is in the air. Given that atmosphere, Harris and her campaign should be able to peel several percent off Trumo's base, the ones who are still thinking a little. And she should be able to win a high percent of the independents/undecided's.
Nany from that "weak base" and the indies/undecided's would examine their conscience, at the moment of truth In the voting booth, and decide to do the right thing. That's why I believe that there is a non-trivial chance of her winning in a landslide, in which case both houses would follow suit.
In that instance, not only would Harris have the power (both executive and legislative) to reverse much of what Trump did (including adding three more judges to the Supreme Court), completing her re-establishment of the three branches.
Trump and Vance would be done. Trump will have lost the powerful influence that he wields today. He has also deteriorated so severely in just 4 years and 8 years, that extrapolating the accelerating pace of senility forward, he has little-to-no chance of ever being effective again.
Vance, while even more dangerous than Trump, does not have Trump's credibility - and a big loss will not give it to him.
Real Republicans will either clean house, likely with Liz Cheney and Mike Pence leading the way, OR...
If the malleable Trumpettes don't re-set their sails to take advantage of the new wind that is sweeping the nation, there will be a new party, "The Real Republican."
It would split the "conservative" future vote, but I believe that real Republicans, driven once again by real Republican principles, would be willing to let the Dem's take 2028, even 2032, if that is what it took to end the "party of Trump."
This would depend, of course, on the level of financial support from the many billionaires and centi-millionaires who never lost these ideals AND from a groundswell of real Republican citizens.
Either way, l kind of like the idea of a Cheney/Pence ticket (in that order). There may be a better candidate for VP than Pence. But both have shown a willingness, going forward, to make the extreme political sacrifice for their principles, the "past being prologue to the future."
And THAT Is a darn good starting point.
Sorry to have made this so long. I hope the read was worth it.
Thank you again,
Ken Evoy